Canvas and Courage: A New Roof for Our Heroes
Goal: $45,000.00
Collected: $6,620.00

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Community Support Required for Operations
Goal: $39,084.00
Collected: $26,142.08
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  • 03/21/2025 12:39 | Wendy Hoffman (Administrator)

    I need your help with our quarterly survey.  It's short, easy, and helps us with our grants.  It is also completely anonymous unless you add your name in the comments.  Here is the link  for the survey.

    Operation Revamp and the Veterans Art Center have experienced an outstanding year this year with over 300 annual registrations and we’re just wrapping up our 3rd quarter.  To date we have provided $42,864.02 in veteran housing assistance, alternative healing, food/gas cards, veterans emergency assistance, veteran art supplies, and utilities for the Veterans Art Center.  In addition we have spent $6086.16 on transportation and veteran bus passes.

    Our ongoing weekly classes have been well attended and we are planning a few more to add to the calendar in the near future.

    We are currently getting a roof repair taken care of on our awning/mansard and once we acquire the needed funds through grants or donations, we will be getting a whole new roof. Inside the building has been an ongoing process of sorting and organization. Your survey responses help us with these grants.

    I will be trying to get as many survey responses as I can before the end of March so if you respond and still get more reminders, remember the survey is anonymous so I do not know who has replied.  Our goal is 80% and I am determined to get there, and really need your help.  Whether you love us or hate us, your feedback is important.

    Thanks for your time,

    Wendy J Hoffman


    Operation Revamp, Inc

    Home of the Veterans Art Center

    307 S 12th St, Grand Junction CO 81501

    "Helping Vets Heal"

    Art Center Phone 970-462-3126

    Wendy Cell/Text: 970-424-2312

    Transportation: 970-462-3126


    Veterans Emergency Services

    Veterans Art Supplies

    Annual Registration 2024-2025

  • 12/19/2023 22:30 | Wendy Hoffman (Administrator)

    We're thrilled to share some positive news amid our current challenges. We are honored to have been awarded a $50,000 grant from the Colorado Department of Veterans Affairs for the current fiscal year, dedicated to supporting our local veterans. The grant, effective from July 1, 2023, to June 14, 2024, encompasses various critical needs, including food and gas cards, vehicle repair, utility bill assistance, specialty art supplies, and emergency needs unmet by other agencies.

    However, we find ourselves in a difficult position. While we've only utilized 8% of the total grant to date, the grant operates on a reimbursable basis. This means we must make the payment or purchase first and then request reimbursement. Unfortunately, delays in reimbursements since October have left us with no available funds or credit to fulfill current requests from qualified veterans.

    In previous years, our general and base funds have supplemented the grant account, ensuring continuity in our support services. This year, a substantial decrease in donations and income has left us struggling to cover both our studio's operating expenses and grant-related needs. The ongoing shortage is creating hardship for local veterans who rely on our assistance.

    Traditionally, the DMVA allowed for an advance of grant funds for organizations facing financial difficulties. Unfortunately, this option has been eliminated for the current fiscal year. To continue providing essential services and fulfill urgent requests from veterans, we urgently need funds in both our general operating account and grant account.

    For the month of December, we've deferred our mortgage payment, but other essential expenses, such as insurance, utilities, and loan payments, still total around $2500. Your generous donations can help us cover these costs, providing breathing room for the grant while we await reimbursements.

    How You Can Help:

    1. Donate: Your tax-deductible donations will support our general operating costs and allow us to continue assisting veterans while waiting for grant reimbursements.

    2. Shop at our Gift Shop: Consider the Veterans Art Center Gift Shop for your holiday shopping, including gift cards. Your purchases directly contribute to our cause.

    3. Monthly Donations: Setting up a monthly donation, no matter the amount, significantly aids in our financial planning and management, ensuring consistent support for veterans in need.

    4. Become a Member: Annual membership payments contribute to our general fund, helping sustain the center, even in challenging times.

    Your generosity keeps these State grant funds on the Western Slope, making a tangible impact on the lives of our local veterans. We appreciate your ongoing support and dedication to helping those who have served our country.

    Donate big, donate small, pay your membership, or shop in the gift shop - every contribution matters.

    Thank you for helping us help veterans!

    Best regards,
    Wendy Hoffman, President/CEO, on behalf of Operation Revamp and the Veterans Art Center

    Visit our donation page for options

  • 07/22/2023 18:29 | Wendy Hoffman (Administrator)

    The new registration form is available.  Use the form below or go directly to

  • 11/18/2022 14:18 | Wendy Hoffman (Administrator)
  • 08/28/2022 21:44 | Wendy Hoffman (Administrator)

    We are still trying to recover from our pandemic setbacks and really need your help.  As an all volunteer organization we did not qualify or were not eligible for many of the Covid recovery grants  because we have no payroll, a common eligibility requirement, even for the City of Grand Junction non-profit grants.

    Our community fundraisers ceased and have not picked up any speed as yet and volunteers are only now slowly coming forward to help out.  We NEED your support to survive. 

    The donation meter on this page has a one month goal of expenses that will be changed monthly and the amount collected will include all online or offline donations, any sales or fundraiser income, and any other income aside from grants for other programs and services not included in these monthly expense.

    Also not included are additional maintenance and repair expenses including an ongoing upgrade to LED and replacement of dead lighting, our healing arts programs that are not currently funded,  and instructor requests for supplies we don't currently have.

    Required Monthly Expenses. (September 2022) This amount includes our building, utilities, storage, phone & internet and programs not funded through other grants and does not include those programs or services covered by grants and other funds.

    Goal: $2,657.00
    Collected: $45.00

    Other ways to help!

    • Start an online, Facebook, or virtual fundraiser
    • Plan a community fundraiser or event
    • Organize a yard sale (we have lots of stuff)
    • Ask your Church or community group to consider donating to us.
    • Volunteer to seek out and apply for grants
    • Solicit your employer or other businesses for help.
    • Put a donation box on your counter or start a 'round up' campaign
    • Volunteer to help with expense reduction - like helping clean out the storage locker
    • Have a dinner party with friends and ask for and encourage contributions

  • 08/20/2022 23:56 | Wendy Hoffman (Administrator)

    Wondering what's happening these days at the Veteran's Art Center?  Quite a bit actually but I'll try and keep this brief.  You are welcome to drop by and check us out anytime you want between 9 and 5 Monday thru Friday or 10 and 4 on Saturday.

    Do Facebook Fundraisers Help? 

    Since January 1st of 2018 we have raised $7995.77 on Facebook.  Keep in mind that these fund raisers  get smaller donations but they still add up.  The troubling part is the waning activity. The fundraisers this year have been few and far between.

    I have created a Facebook Challenge fundraiser and would like you to head on over. It works a little different and we all jump in on the same one and compete against each other. I am not asking you to donate (although I won't turn that down) but to get in on the fun, join the fundraiser challenge and create a fundraiser page. 

    Classes and Workshops

    We have been getting a little busier at the Veterans Art Center with new classes being added to the schedule.  If you aren't getting the emails, be sure and check the event calendar.  


    We have a lot of volunteer opportunities available from fundraising, instructors and event planning, to sorting and organizing and renovating.  We also have an online volunteer signup where you can let us know what your interests are and when you are available.

    For those of you who have signed up and are volunteering, remember to log your hours on the volunteer time sheet.


    I would like to remind you to check your profile and see if you still have a membership.  There was a rapidly growing list of 'lapsed' members who still had access to the members only features but were seriously behind on paying dues.  These members have been archived or moved to basic contacts. If you were among the banished you are welcome to join us. If you are unable to pay your membership, please check and see if we have any scholarships available.  

    Books and More Books

    If you have not been following all of Dave's posts on our Facebook group, you are missing out.  He had a large donation of books come in on every topic imaginable and plenty of novels too.  They are free, come in, pick what you want, as many as you want, and take them away.

    Studio Access and Art Supplies

    We are into our third year of online registration and I am happy to report that most of you get it.  For those still in the dark, we have an annual online registration application that must be completed before you can access the studios, music room, classes, equipment, art supplies, transportation, computers, or any of the healing art sessions. You only need to fill it out once during the fiscal year July-June and I am happy to report there are already 58 registered participants since July 1st. All of the above programs and services are available at no cost so humor me, and let me know who is accessing it. 

  • 03/30/2022 21:41 | Wendy Hoffman (Administrator)

    If you are interested in helping us out at the veterans art center, full time, part time, every now and then ... choices are varied but we could really use some help.  Please fill out the form at

  • 01/20/2022 21:03 | Wendy Hoffman (Administrator)

    We have way too much stuff!  We had way too much stuff a few years ago and it has doubled in the past couple years.  In an effort to narrow it down, aside from sorting and throwing out a lot of trash over the past few months, we will be selling and/or giving away a whole lot of art supplies and equipment that is either surplus, seldom used, or not used at the Veterans Art Center.

    This effort actually started last summer and tables of give-a-way items have been picked through in the gallery periodically.  We have also listed items on eBay and in the online store on our website.  Most of the items listed in the online store will show up as $0.00 if you are logged in.  That is correct, members get them free!

    Things are not disappearing fast enough though, and we really need to purge.  We will increase trash tossing, eBay sales, Facebook sales, and items in our online store and probably a yard sale or two.  We will also have many items available for free, but donations are always welcome.  For this I need a few volunteers.  Let me know what you can help with.


  • 12/13/2021 19:31 | Wendy Hoffman (Administrator)

    Our healing arts sessions in both BodyTalk and Tai Chi are held regularily and if you are interested please check the event calendar for more information and/or to register.

    Leather class is held weekly and extremely well attended.  

    Upcoming classes not yet scheduled but starting in the new year are seed beading with Semantha and acrylic poured painting. Check the calendar for updates.  Email announcements will be sent to members. Another round of soap making and liquid laundry detergent making will also be offered in the new year.  Other tentative workshops are alcohol ink,  resin casting and epoxy art, encaustics, frit painting, and vinyl graphics.

    We would love to have other classes to offer and are anxious for other instructors to come forward and schedule classes or workshops.  If you would like to offer an ongoing class or a one class workshop, please contact us and we'll work with you to get it scheduled and make sure we have all needed supplies. Contact Wendy, email works best.

    Please remember that the studio is open for whatever you want to work on whenever there is no class scheduled.  The woodshop and glass studio are available at all times.

  • 12/13/2021 13:15 | Wendy Hoffman (Administrator)

    207,264 Santa Claus Illustrations &amp; Clip Art - iStock

    I have a veteran mom very much in need of some help with cold weather clothing for her 4 children and I am reaching out to ask for some help.

    Girl age 10 - size little girls XXL (14-16), boot/shoe size women's 8

    Boy age 6 - size 8, boot/shoe size 3

    Boy age 2 - size 18-24 months, boot/shoe size Toddler 3

    Girl (baby) - size 12 month

    Also needed are diapers for the 2 youngest. Sizes 3 and 4.

    If you can help at all,  you can drop items off at the veterans art center or contact us to arrange pickup, or help with a cash donation and we'll see they get the help needed.

    Merry Christmas,


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Copyright 2018  Operation Revamp, Inc is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization in Colorado ,307 S 12th St, Grand Junction, CO 81501

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307 s 12th Street   Grand Junction CO 81501

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