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Collected: $26,142.08
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We are purging and you can benefit

01/20/2022 21:03 | Wendy Hoffman (Administrator)

We have way too much stuff!  We had way too much stuff a few years ago and it has doubled in the past couple years.  In an effort to narrow it down, aside from sorting and throwing out a lot of trash over the past few months, we will be selling and/or giving away a whole lot of art supplies and equipment that is either surplus, seldom used, or not used at the Veterans Art Center.

This effort actually started last summer and tables of give-a-way items have been picked through in the gallery periodically.  We have also listed items on eBay and in the online store on our website.  Most of the items listed in the online store will show up as $0.00 if you are logged in.  That is correct, members get them free!

Things are not disappearing fast enough though, and we really need to purge.  We will increase trash tossing, eBay sales, Facebook sales, and items in our online store and probably a yard sale or two.  We will also have many items available for free, but donations are always welcome.  For this I need a few volunteers.  Let me know what you can help with.


2023-2024 Donation Goal
Goal: $22,312.00
Collected: $26,142.08

Copyright 2018  Operation Revamp, Inc is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization in Colorado ,307 S 12th St, Grand Junction, CO 81501

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