I need your help with our quarterly survey. It's short, easy, and helps us with our grants. It is also completely anonymous unless you add your name in the comments. Here is the link https://forms.gle/NfjZwYRL4g3nwv9M9 for the survey.
Operation Revamp and the Veterans Art Center have experienced an outstanding year this year with over 300 annual registrations and we’re just wrapping up our 3rd quarter. To date we have provided $42,864.02 in veteran housing assistance, alternative healing, food/gas cards, veterans emergency assistance, veteran art supplies, and utilities for the Veterans Art Center. In addition we have spent $6086.16 on transportation and veteran bus passes.
Our ongoing weekly classes have been well attended and we are planning a few more to add to the calendar in the near future.
We are currently getting a roof repair taken care of on our awning/mansard and once we acquire the needed funds through grants or donations, we will be getting a whole new roof. Inside the building has been an ongoing process of sorting and organization. Your survey responses help us with these grants.
I will be trying to get as many survey responses as I can before the end of March so if you respond and still get more reminders, remember the survey is anonymous so I do not know who has replied. Our goal is 80% and I am determined to get there, and really need your help. Whether you love us or hate us, your feedback is important.
Thanks for your time,
Wendy J Hoffman
Operation Revamp, Inc
Home of the Veterans Art Center
307 S 12th St, Grand Junction CO 81501
"Helping Vets Heal"
Art Center Phone 970-462-3126
Wendy Cell/Text: 970-424-2312
Transportation: 970-462-3126
email: wendy@operationrevamp.org
Veterans Emergency Services
Veterans Art Supplies
Annual Registration 2024-2025