Canvas and Courage: A New Roof for Our Heroes
Goal: $45,000.00
Collected: $6,620.00

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Goal: $39,084.00
Collected: $26,142.08
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  • 03/22/2020 16:31 | Wendy Hoffman (Administrator)

    Colorado Attorney General Phil Weiser released a statement calling on state courts to halt eviction proceedings due to the COVID-19 crisis.

    As of Sunday, Denver, Mesa, Weld, and Boulder counties have taken this step according to Weiser.

    “In this emergency, evicting any Coloradan from their home would exacerbate the public health and economic crisis we are fighting together," says Weiser. "I applaud Governor Polis in leading state agencies and local governments in an effort to stop evictions during this crisis."

  • 03/19/2020 18:36 | Wendy Hoffman (Administrator)

    A few notes on updates and status of the Veterans Art Center.

    We are still currently closed to walk-ins and all classes are cancelled.

    There may or may not be a volunteer or volunteers in the building at any given time but we still remain closed. Please do not count on going down there and expecting someone to open up for you because the cat could well be the lone occupant.

    Since part of our mission is to eradicate a lot of isolation it is extremely difficult to instruct you to isolate but at this time we need this to happen. We are still available by phone, text or email and encourage you to access the website frequently for updates on our blog on the home page. Join us on Facebook, on the page or in the group.  Reach out however you feel comfortable.  This social isolation is about face to face contact and we are still here for you.

    Donations Currently we are not accepting donations of art supplies. If you have supplies for Veterans (like toilet paper) please call ahead to make sure there will be someone there or call and request a pickup. We do have several requests for assistance with some hard to come by items.

    Alternative Healing  Yoga V, Community Acupuncture, Tai Chi, and Reiki are currently cancelled. BodyTalk is also cancelled at the Veterans Art Center however John will continue with sessions at his office on the same date and time.  Contact me by email for the details if you would like to participate.

    Art Classes are cancelled until further notice. We want to keep you busy and creative, though, so if you need any supplies to work on projects at home please contact me and we'll help as much  as possible.  For the veterans who have been in soap class we can set you up to carry on at home and I can still answer all your questions remotely.

    Emergency Assistance  remains unchanged and will continue to follow the same criteria and policies as in the past.  We anticipate a greater need and ask that you continue to seek other resources first but contact us as necessary. 

    Food and Gas Cards These continue to be available with the same requirements and criteria as before. There could be a minor delay but we will do what we can.

    Bus Passes  Call us if you are in need of a pass and we will make a determination at that time.  GVT is keeping us updated on operations but they could shut down or restrict services at any time.  

    Transportation We are not currently offering rides however we are available for errands, pickups and deliveries. Call or email.

    Fundraising and Cash Donations We have as great a need if not greater at this time so for those who have so generously supported us in the past, or those who haven't had time but would like to we are extremely grateful for any donations through any of our online options or mail a check. We are limited to online fundraising, have no current sales abilities,  but continue to have all our regular monthly expenses along with increased need of our veterans.

    RAFFLE Our second raffle of a DoTerra essential Oils kit was launched earlier in March, before we closed our doors.  We have no intention of sending board members out to sell tickets and the draw date is April 8th so we are trying to find a method of selling them locally online. If you want a ticket let me know and we'll figure out how to do this without human contact.

    We know that many of our veterans do not have email or internet and ask that you please pass on this information. Remember the information included here will be available on  our news blog.

    Iam on day 3 of my 14 day quarantine but self isolation may or may not continue after that.

    Be Well, Stay Healthy



    text: 970-424-2312

  • 03/19/2020 16:16 | Wendy Hoffman (Administrator)

    If you have visited areas that are known to have sustained community spread (certain foreign countries, other states with common spread, or Summit, Eagle, Pitkin, and Gunnison counties in Colorado), and were in public locations such as retail shops, restaurants, bars, or ski lodges, we recommend that you watch for symptoms. Self-quarantine is recommended; however, the CDC states that transmission of the disease in the absence of symptoms is less likely.

    If you believe you’ve been infected with COVID-19, symptoms will occur within 14 days of exposure (but most likely within 6 days). At the first indication of symptoms, you must isolate yourself. Symptoms for COVID-19 include cough, fever, and shortness of breath. Isolation means you must stay home and away from others until seven (7) days have passed since symptoms first appeared, AND 72 hours after the fever has gone away, with improvement in respiratory symptoms.

    For anyone who has not visited an area with sustained community spread, you can still be at risk. Mesa County expects to have sustained community spread soon. In order to keep your risk for contracting the disease low, please be diligent about following these guidelines:

    • Stay at home and away from others, as much as possible.
    • Avoid non-essential travel.
    • Stay in touch with others by phone, email, or video.
    • Maintain 6 feet of separation when you are around others.
    • Frequently clean and disinfect high-touch surfaces like keyboards, phones, doorknobs, and light switches. The latest information suggests this virus can live on hard surfaces for up to three days.
    • Avoid touching your face.
    • Cover your nose and mouth when coughing and sneezing.
    • Wash your hands often with soap and water. If soap and water are not available, a hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol is acceptable.

  • 03/19/2020 15:28 | Wendy Hoffman (Administrator)

    This list will be updated as information changes so check back often

    On March 16, 2020, VBA issued Circular 26-20-7, entitled "Special Relief for Those Potentially Impacted by COVID-19."

    Mesa County Public Health

    United Way Covid-19 Resources

    Food Resources

    SD51 Covid-19 Resources

  • 03/16/2020 15:23 | Wendy Hoffman (Administrator)

    In order to reduce the risk of exposure and to keep our volunteers, Veterans and members safe we will be closing the Veterans Art Center to walk-ins and cancelling all scheduled classes until further notice.

    Because of the numerous closures in the past 24 hours we faced an influx of people coming to one of the few centers still open. While this would normally be a good thing, it would increase the risk and we do not want to do that.

    Some of our volunteers will still be at the center however the doors will be locked.  We are still available by phone or email.

    Additionally, following today's guidance from the CDPHE that states: 'Anyone who has been in Eagle, Summit, Pitkin, or Gunnison counties in the past week should minimize all contact with other people, whether or not they are experiencing symptoms.', our CHO and I will be hanging out at home for a couple weeks.

    Stay Safe, Stay Healthy



  • 03/13/2020 15:20 | Wendy Hoffman (Administrator)

    This is a community announcement regarding the Veterans Art Center during the Covid-19 pandemic. Like us, you have most likely been following news of the Covid-19 (novel coronavirus) outbreak. At this time we have decided to keep the Veterans Art Center open.

    First, and most important, please know the health and well-being of our veterans, your families and our volunteers is our top priority. We want you to feel confident attending the Veterans Art Center and we remain diligent in our commitment to providing a safe environment for all who visit or attend classes. As a result, we’ve taken enhanced measures regarding cleaning and participation.

    These include:

    • Enhanced availability of soap and hand sanitizer 
    • Enhanced cleaning practices on frequent use surfaces (tables, phones, keyboards, door handles, etc)
    • Enhanced air filtration and essential oil diffusion
    • Precautionary monitoring/screening of participants and attendees.
      • If you are sick with flu like symptoms we ask that you do not enter the building.
      • Persons coughing or sneezing more than usual will be asked to wear a provided mask.
      • If you know you have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive within the past 14 days we ask that you do not enter.

    While we recognize many of our younger and healthy veterans and family members are at low risk we also know they can be carriers despite a lack of symptoms and our priority is to do our utmost to protect those at higher risk. We also recognize visible symptoms can be no more than a cold or allergies and we ask your patience and understanding if we err on the side of caution. We appreciate your assistance in helping us.

    • Wash you hands often
    • Cough or sneeze into your elbow
    • Avoid handshaking
    • Stay home if you are sick

    Additionally, if you are a veteran sick at home and need assistance with an errand or having something delivered please call us at 970-462-3126 and we might be able to help.

    In the event the situation worsens or someone at the Veterans Art Center becomes sick we will update you and will be closing the center until further notice.

    We are closely monitoring updates on the situation from local, federal and international health authorities, including the World Health Organization, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the U.S. State Department, the Colorado Dept of Public Health and Environment and the VA Western Colorado Health Care System.

  • 04/25/2019 17:36 | Wendy Hoffman (Administrator)

    City Hall Veterans Exhibit

    No photo description available.

      Until July 7th Veterans Art is on display on the second floor of City Hall.  Don't miss it.  Following the City Hall display the art work will be on display in the Old County building and Mesa County offices next door until October 7th.

    Exhibiting Artists include Jack O'Connor, Jose Quinton, Paul Sweeney,  Samantha Jacinthe, Adonice Silva, Bruce Lohmiller, Ernest Delto, Art Blom, Dallas Hanson, Brian Durham, Brenda Paulson, Gary Keenan, Bob Tallarico, Terry Cleaveland, Dave Wadsworth, Bob Maurer and director Wendy Hoffman.

  • 02/03/2019 13:47 | Wendy Hoffman (Administrator)

    At 6 pm on February 2nd the monthly group exhibit opened with 5 participating artists.  Congratulations to all exhibiting artists.  People's Choice awards opening night went to Nancy Allison for Best Overall Display and to Christina Hoagland for Best Artist. 

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    The show will be on exhibit until February 26th so don't miss it.  Come in and view the varied talents and check out the items for sale.  A purchase will support these artists.

    Image may contain: 4 people, people sitting and indoor

  • 10/14/2018 12:13 | Wendy Hoffman (Administrator)

    YES, you read that right! And we are not just about Art

    In January 2010 I had a vision of a functional art center for veterans and families to heal from emotional and mental injuries. The non-profit Organization, Operation Revamp, Inc, was founded in May 2010, Incorporated in July 2010 and awarded 501(C)3 status in January 2011 as a public charity. YOU are that public, and owners of the non-profit. 

    In January 2013 I found an ideal building (complete with a lot of needed contents) and by April had acquired it under contract by the non-profit and I leased it for 6 months on a test run. I made the necessary repairs and renovations to have part of the building usable and with the help of a handful of volunteers we had it cleaned and ready to go in a month. 

    May 1st, 2013 the doors opened on the Veterans Art Center and the need was quick to show itself as classes started, Veterans Art Exhibits hosted, and the craft cupboards in the main studio were converted to a coffee and snack area. In August 2013 we had our first annual meeting in the new gallery and presented a video of the changes that had taken place in a few short months. 

    We were not set up for tracking those first few months but by August 1st we had 175 registered participants, 17 volunteer instructors, and a mountain of donated art supplies, woodworking equipment and musical instruments. 

    As the purchase contract closing date of October 2013 loomed in on us and we were still not able to get bank funding to buy it I had to rethink my strategy. 

    So many veterans and family members had partaken in the free programs and services. So many veteran and family members offered their time and efforts to create the Veterans Art Center and introduce new programs. So many veterans and family members commented to us and to news reporters, on how participation and making art had eased their PTSD symptoms, gotten them out of isolation, given them purpose and more. 

    One veteran entered my office in early October, his eyes welled up with tears, and he proceeded to describe his activities on the day he first came in, his suicidal plans and intentions, and his walking through our door with no other purpose than to use the bathroom and warm up. He was telling me this because he no longer felt suicidal, he now felt like he had a reason to live, and he spoke of plans and dreams of a new job cooking once he got back on his feet. When he left my office I phoned the bank and said to go with the personal loan. 

    If this place could save one life it was worth the risk and worth the cost to save even more. My vision of Helping Veterans Heal was being fulfilled. On October 31st, 2013 I wrote a personal check for $79,206.01 as down payment and closing costs on a 5 year loan and purchased the building for the Veterans Art Center. That 5 years is up

    The non-profit has made all payments on the building since March 2014 and the remaining payoff to the bank on the loan is $175,000 - Due by October 30, 2018. 

    During that 5 years, at least since we started tracking, we have provided free programs and services to around 900 veterans and family members annually. Of the portion of those veterans who were surveyed in the past 3 years 426 reported Increased Health or Well Being, 382 Increased Mental Health Support, 238 Increased Access to Health Care, 236 Increased Job Stability, 182 Increased Housing Stability and 145 Increased Family Well Being. Also recorded were 170 with Decreased Urgent Need, 227 with Decreased Food or Gas Need, and 15 FIFTEEN who commented statements to the effect they are alive because of this place. 

    During the past 5 years we have added crisis and emergency support, alternative healing including acupuncture, yoga and Tai Chi, an RC Car Club, meditation and mindfulness, and many more arts and craft opportunities.

    Help us save this place -- it is so much more than just a building!!!

    Donate Now

  • 06/04/2018 09:32 | Wendy Hoffman (Administrator)

    The Veterans and Family members have gone overboard on this exhibition and its not to be missed!  We have a full gallery display in a wide variety of media.  Exhibiting artists include: Stevie Duffy (Veteran), Wendy Hoffman (Family), Maxwell Bardell (Veteran), Ernest Delto (Veteran), Bob Tallarico (Veteran), Art Blom (Veteran), Kelly Carter (Veteran), Bruce Lohmiller (Veteran), Jose Quinton (Veteran), Gina Allen (Veteran), Kathy Thomas (Family), Nichole Ulibarri (Family), Bill Dittman (Veteran), Pamela Zal (Family), Richard Naimish (Family), Rick Bott (Veteran), Stephen McCollum (Veteran), The Late Night Quilters Group, and Mother Nature.

    People's Choice ballots were collected at the opening reception and huge congratulations to the winning artists in each category.

    • Best Overall Artist - Rick Bott, Second Place - Bruce Lohmiller
    • Acrylic Painting - Stevi Duffy "Welcome to Hell"
    • Watercolor Painting - Ernest Delto "Double Arch"
    • Other Painting (Oil) - Art Blom "Autumns Leaving"
    • Sculpture - Jose Quinton "Feather Raven" and "Feather Dragon"
    • Glass Work - Gina Allen "Sea Horses"
    • Fiber Arts - Kathy Thomas "Pink Rainbows Teddy"
    • Mixed Media - Pamela Zal - "Fairy Door"
    • Other Arts and Crafts (Assemblage) - Rick Bott "Colorado Flag"
    • Creative Writing - Bob Tallarico  "Genesis - from Nothing to Now" 
    Due to the Excellent participation in the group exhibit we will be doing another members Exhibit in July.  The Theme is "Art of This World".
    If you are interested in exhibiting contact the Veterans Art Center for information and deadlines.

Copyright 2018  Operation Revamp, Inc is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization in Colorado ,307 S 12th St, Grand Junction, CO 81501

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Office: 970-462-3126
Fax: 970-628-1308

307 s 12th Street   Grand Junction CO 81501

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