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Covid-19 announcement

03/13/2020 15:20 | Wendy Hoffman (Administrator)

This is a community announcement regarding the Veterans Art Center during the Covid-19 pandemic. Like us, you have most likely been following news of the Covid-19 (novel coronavirus) outbreak. At this time we have decided to keep the Veterans Art Center open.

First, and most important, please know the health and well-being of our veterans, your families and our volunteers is our top priority. We want you to feel confident attending the Veterans Art Center and we remain diligent in our commitment to providing a safe environment for all who visit or attend classes. As a result, we’ve taken enhanced measures regarding cleaning and participation.

These include:

  • Enhanced availability of soap and hand sanitizer 
  • Enhanced cleaning practices on frequent use surfaces (tables, phones, keyboards, door handles, etc)
  • Enhanced air filtration and essential oil diffusion
  • Precautionary monitoring/screening of participants and attendees.
    • If you are sick with flu like symptoms we ask that you do not enter the building.
    • Persons coughing or sneezing more than usual will be asked to wear a provided mask.
    • If you know you have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive within the past 14 days we ask that you do not enter.

While we recognize many of our younger and healthy veterans and family members are at low risk we also know they can be carriers despite a lack of symptoms and our priority is to do our utmost to protect those at higher risk. We also recognize visible symptoms can be no more than a cold or allergies and we ask your patience and understanding if we err on the side of caution. We appreciate your assistance in helping us.

  • Wash you hands often
  • Cough or sneeze into your elbow
  • Avoid handshaking
  • Stay home if you are sick

Additionally, if you are a veteran sick at home and need assistance with an errand or having something delivered please call us at 970-462-3126 and we might be able to help.

In the event the situation worsens or someone at the Veterans Art Center becomes sick we will update you and will be closing the center until further notice.

We are closely monitoring updates on the situation from local, federal and international health authorities, including the World Health Organization, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the U.S. State Department, the Colorado Dept of Public Health and Environment and the VA Western Colorado Health Care System.

2023-2024 Donation Goal
Goal: $22,312.00
Collected: $26,142.08

Copyright 2018  Operation Revamp, Inc is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization in Colorado ,307 S 12th St, Grand Junction, CO 81501

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