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From Mesa County Public Health

03/19/2020 16:16 | Wendy Hoffman (Administrator)

If you have visited areas that are known to have sustained community spread (certain foreign countries, other states with common spread, or Summit, Eagle, Pitkin, and Gunnison counties in Colorado), and were in public locations such as retail shops, restaurants, bars, or ski lodges, we recommend that you watch for symptoms. Self-quarantine is recommended; however, the CDC states that transmission of the disease in the absence of symptoms is less likely.

If you believe you’ve been infected with COVID-19, symptoms will occur within 14 days of exposure (but most likely within 6 days). At the first indication of symptoms, you must isolate yourself. Symptoms for COVID-19 include cough, fever, and shortness of breath. Isolation means you must stay home and away from others until seven (7) days have passed since symptoms first appeared, AND 72 hours after the fever has gone away, with improvement in respiratory symptoms.

For anyone who has not visited an area with sustained community spread, you can still be at risk. Mesa County expects to have sustained community spread soon. In order to keep your risk for contracting the disease low, please be diligent about following these guidelines:

  • Stay at home and away from others, as much as possible.
  • Avoid non-essential travel.
  • Stay in touch with others by phone, email, or video.
  • Maintain 6 feet of separation when you are around others.
  • Frequently clean and disinfect high-touch surfaces like keyboards, phones, doorknobs, and light switches. The latest information suggests this virus can live on hard surfaces for up to three days.
  • Avoid touching your face.
  • Cover your nose and mouth when coughing and sneezing.
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water. If soap and water are not available, a hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol is acceptable.

2023-2024 Donation Goal
Goal: $22,312.00
Collected: $26,142.08

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