Canvas and Courage: A New Roof for Our Heroes
Goal: $45,000.00
Collected: $6,620.00

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Collected: $26,142.08
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August 2022 updates

08/20/2022 23:56 | Wendy Hoffman (Administrator)

Wondering what's happening these days at the Veteran's Art Center?  Quite a bit actually but I'll try and keep this brief.  You are welcome to drop by and check us out anytime you want between 9 and 5 Monday thru Friday or 10 and 4 on Saturday.

Do Facebook Fundraisers Help? 

Since January 1st of 2018 we have raised $7995.77 on Facebook.  Keep in mind that these fund raisers  get smaller donations but they still add up.  The troubling part is the waning activity. The fundraisers this year have been few and far between.

I have created a Facebook Challenge fundraiser and would like you to head on over. It works a little different and we all jump in on the same one and compete against each other. I am not asking you to donate (although I won't turn that down) but to get in on the fun, join the fundraiser challenge and create a fundraiser page. 

Classes and Workshops

We have been getting a little busier at the Veterans Art Center with new classes being added to the schedule.  If you aren't getting the emails, be sure and check the event calendar.  


We have a lot of volunteer opportunities available from fundraising, instructors and event planning, to sorting and organizing and renovating.  We also have an online volunteer signup where you can let us know what your interests are and when you are available.

For those of you who have signed up and are volunteering, remember to log your hours on the volunteer time sheet.


I would like to remind you to check your profile and see if you still have a membership.  There was a rapidly growing list of 'lapsed' members who still had access to the members only features but were seriously behind on paying dues.  These members have been archived or moved to basic contacts. If you were among the banished you are welcome to join us. If you are unable to pay your membership, please check and see if we have any scholarships available.  

Books and More Books

If you have not been following all of Dave's posts on our Facebook group, you are missing out.  He had a large donation of books come in on every topic imaginable and plenty of novels too.  They are free, come in, pick what you want, as many as you want, and take them away.

Studio Access and Art Supplies

We are into our third year of online registration and I am happy to report that most of you get it.  For those still in the dark, we have an annual online registration application that must be completed before you can access the studios, music room, classes, equipment, art supplies, transportation, computers, or any of the healing art sessions. You only need to fill it out once during the fiscal year July-June and I am happy to report there are already 58 registered participants since July 1st. All of the above programs and services are available at no cost so humor me, and let me know who is accessing it. 

2025 Roof Replacement
Goal: $45,000.00
Collected: $6,620.00

Copyright 2018  Operation Revamp, Inc is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization in Colorado ,307 S 12th St, Grand Junction, CO 81501

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